What is Knob and Tube Wiring?

Knob and tube wiring is a type of electrical wiring system that was commonly used in homes built between the 1880s and the 1940s. It gets its name from the porcelain knobs and tubes that are used to hold and route the wires. While this type of wiring was once considered state-of-the-art, it is now considered outdated and potentially dangerous. In this post, we'll take a look at the basics of knob and tube wiring and why it's important to have it inspected and potentially updated in your older home.

Knob and tube wiring consists of two wires, a hot wire and a neutral wire, that are run through porcelain knobs and tubes. The knobs are used to hold the wires in place, while the tubes are used to protect the wires as they pass through joists and other structural elements. The hot wire carries electrical current to the various devices and fixtures in your home, while the neutral wire returns that current back to the service panel.

One of the main reasons that knob and tube wiring is considered outdated is that it does not have an earth ground. This means that if there is a fault in the system, there is no way for the electrical current to be safely dissipated, which can increase the risk of electrical fires. Additionally, knob and tube wiring is not designed to handle the electrical demands of modern homes, so it can become overloaded and cause a number of problems.

Another issue with knob and tube wiring is that it is often found in older homes that have been modified over the years. When new electrical circuits and devices are added to a home with knob and tube wiring, it can become overwhelmed and can't handle the increased load. Additionally, many older homes with knob and tube wiring have been rewired over the years, often by homeowners in a manner that increases the risk of problems.

If you own an older home with knob and tube wiring, it is important to have it inspected by a licensed electrician. An electrician will be able to assess the condition of the wiring and determine if it needs to be updated. This may include replacing the knob and tube wiring with modern wiring that includes an earth ground, or upgrading the service panel to accommodate the electrical demands of your home.

It's worth noting that many insurance companies are aware of the potential hazards of knob-and-tube wiring and may not cover any damage to homes that still have it installed, even if the wiring is still in good working order. So, Not only it is important for the safety of the residents but it also helps in obtaining insurance coverage.

In summary, knob and tube wiring is an outdated type of electrical wiring system that was once considered state-of-the-art but is now considered potentially dangerous. It is important to have it inspected and in most cases this wiring should be removed and upgraded to modern romex wiring. This can help prevent electrical fires and ensure that your home's electrical system is able to handle the demands of modern life.